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The North Pole adventures : balooning, skydiving.

For centuries, adventurers and explorers tried to get there by sled, ship, aircraft, dogs and balloons. Even today, reaching the North Pole is a difficult and challenging journey. Only a select few make it each year.

Previously, I wrote about Jonathan Trappe, who flew nearly 50 miles over eastern North Carolina in his chair attached to 55 helium-filled balloons. A similar post on the Adventure blog caught my attention. This time, french doctor and explorer Jean-Louis Etienne set out on an arctic adventure, with the goal of flying solo, in a hot air balloon, over the North Pole.

In 1897 Solomon Andree reached the North Pole by a balloon. In 1997 the first hot air balloon fiesta was held in the North Pole to commemorate the 100-th anniversary of the event. Since then every April the most courageous ballooning teams come to the North Pole to fill their balloons with a hot air and to soar high in the sky over the very top of the planet.

If flying over the North Pole isn't exciting enough for you, try skydiving in the North Pole ! There are practically no restrictions for skydiving in the North Pole. If you are an experienced skydiver you can jump solo. Or you can opt for a tandem jump together with an experienced instructor.

Flying in a hot air balloon still remains my dream come true. But flying over the North Pole, skydiving ?

Here is a chance to add your name to the short list of adventurers who have made the ultimate journey to the top of the world. ( and I'll take it !....as soon as I have 20K+ ).

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