... people never cease to amaze me ! I mean, when you watch Youtube videos like "People Are Awesome", it's crazy what we, as human beings, are capable of !
Sometime it seems like our physical, mental, and creative capabilities are limitless !
... I mean, who would ever thought of using a kiteboarding kite with ...a snowmobile !
Winter is almost over, and unfortunately I missed on a great opportunity to try speed flying/riding , and not just anywhere but in Aspen !
Before, I wrote that the only place to try speed flying was in Europe, but was surprised to find out that we have a club in Aspen that tries to introduce and promote this sport in US. Well, may be next year I'll have a chance to give it a try, and may be will add another toy to my adventure collection.
Till then, enjoy another great speed flying/riding video shot in Chamonix ( France ) sponsored by ...well, who else ? My favorite Red Bull !
Kites, wings, chutes, sails...I'm hopelessly in love with all these little toys that add an extra short of adrenaline to your outdoor adventures.
Take backcountry skiing for example. It's always fun to ski down the mountain in untouched, knee deep powder snow. But the way up is dreadful and exhausting.
Just add a kite, and it's a completely different experience:
Last year I wrote about a new extreme winter sport of speed riding/flying, and since it was not something I was able to try any time soon, I kind of forgot about. But a recent post on the Adventure blog, reminded me about this sport, and it looks like it's making its way in the United States.
As I wrote in my post, speed riding is a combination of skiing and paraglding. But the sport is so new that it can be difficult to find equipment and gear, especially in the United States, especially, considering that it's not the same gear used for paragliding or kite boarding.
But when I was looking for more information on speed riding and gear, I came across this:
It's called The Woopy, an inflatable wing - part balloon, part paraglider—used in speed riding. According to the designer ( Laurent de Kalbermatten ), the pilot can begin soaring across the slopes at speeds as low as 20Km/h. allowing the skier or snowboarder to glide very long distances or jump incredibly high.
As I've just said, the sport of speed riding is incredibly new , and the only place you can try speed riding ( AND WOOPY ) is in Switzerland. But from the video in the Adventure blog ( shot in Utah ), I won't be surprised to see those wings at US ski resorts any time soon.
Here, I introduce you a new extreme winter sport - speed riding ( sometimes referred as speed flying).
If you haven't heard about it ( or haven't seen it on Youtube):
Speed Riding is a blend of paragliding and skiing that lets you ride/fly the slopes at incredible speeds.
When you watch those videos on YouTube, it looks pretty intense, riders are going very fast and there’s lots of flying involved. And you think to yourself: " This is insane ! There is no way I could do that ! You have to be some kind of a daredevil."
So how hard is it, and how dangerous?
While being adventurous is a must, a background in skiing and working knowledge of paragliding is a big help, speedriding is not so extreme ! It depends on the way you are doing it!
You gear consists of a pair of skis, helmet, goggles and a specially-designed canopy that is closely related to the traditional paragliding rig ( and of course, a helicopter to drop you in places that would otherwise require a week off work ).
Though, "getting started is easy, quick and totally safe", the biggest problem for somebody who want to try this sport is to find a credible school.
Speed riding is a relatively new sport and is largely unregulated. Some resorts do offer training, and novices are advised to start in ....France, where instructors must hold a paragliding licence and are recognised by the French Free Flight Federation ( Les Arcs Speed Riding School).
I couldn't find a speed riding school in U.S , but Fly Above All (a paragliding school in Santa Barbabra, CA) says :
What's the best way to get started in Speed Flying? Come master the Art of Paragliding first, so you know how to fly! Learn the proper inputs you will need to operate the wing and keep it flying. Find out how the glider stalls, what produces a spin, and how to handle a surge.
In Speed Riding, everything happens VERY fast. It makes sense to build a solid foundation of glider control skills in a slower, more forgiving aircraft before you move to the big time. Even a single day lesson will teach you valuable lessons about our incredible aircraft and you will experience the magic of flight for the first time.
If you know about other U.S based speed riding schools/classes, share your info on this blog or send me an email. For now watch how it's done in Alps: