Remember, that you don't have to invest tons of money into gear just to try out an outdoor activity. The cheapest way to get a taste and see if something like kayaking, mountaineering or skiing is for you is to take a class. Usually, the outfitter provides all the necessary gear, basic training and makes sure that you'll be safe.
Even cheaper ( or to be exact - free ) is to attend a free demo presentation.
The past couple years , a few outfitters have been offering free SUP demos in the summer.
Last Saturday, I attended a free SUP on-the-water demo day at Magnuson Park organized by Seattle REI.
After that demo...I think...I am going to buy one of those boards !
First, I realized that buying a cheap inflatable board ( like Solstice Stand-Up Inflatable Paddleboard
Second, The Ocean Kayak Nalu paddle board is not really an ocean kayak...or a paddle board.
Third, boards with thick traction pads ( stomp pads) that cover the majority of your board makes SUPing a much more enjoyable mission.
And finally, YES, it was a lot of fun ( OK, I admit, the hot weather was a huge part of that decision ) !
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