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Mountain Biking Tiger Mt

It's been a long time since I took my mountain bike on a trail. Since the last time I went biking on Devil's Gulch in Leavenworth, I've been mostly riding on Interurban trail next to my house.

But today, I decided to check out a few trails on Tiger Mt.

Tiger Mountain is one of Seattle's most popular mountain biking destinations. Its close proximity to Seattle, good parking facilities, and a variety of trail difficulties draw the masses.

Unfortunately, what used to be a great FREE trailhead for hikers and mountain bikers before, now requires a Discover Pass to park your car.

Though, trails vary in difficulty, and I had my trusted Mountain Biking Washington guide book, I decided to take it easy, and just go for a moderate run along the main logging road ( Tiger Mountain Road ).

Unlike Devil's Gulch, trails on Tiger Mt are not the most picturesque, but as I've mentioned above, the area has its advantages : it's close to Seattle, plenty of parking, and trails are great for riders of all levels.

For more information, check out the book below, or visit Evergreen Mountain Biking Alliance web site...

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