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New Extreme Winter Sport : Airboarding

Experience the mountain like never before!

Airboard is the new high-tech winter sports tool, a «bodyboard» for the snow.

In 1990, A Swiss engineer, Joe Steiner, created the airboard after he had suffered a knee injury. He wanted a way to stay active and still be able to carve his way down a slope like he did with his snowboard. So he created this blow-up “sled” that was equipped with runners and handles. It quickly turned into a popular winter sport. It had its debut in the US in 2004.

Airboarders ride a “board” made of light and extremely durable high-quality plastic covered textiles. Athletes steer by shifting their weight and brake by just turning the airboard at a 90° angle to the desired downhill direction.

Airboarding requires no previous experience and is super easy to pick up. The sleds are easy to turn, and you have a cushy landing on your sled! Kids and adults can become proficient in Airboarding within an hour of trying it.

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