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Introduce Your Kids To The Joy Of Skiing

Who doesn't want to see his child happy ? We all want the same things for our kids. We want them to grow up to love and be loved, to follow their dreams, to find success. Mostly, though, we want them to be happy.

For me, there is no better reward than watching my kid's eyes shining from the joy of skiing ! Skiing is a great sport that requires confidence, skills, desire, lessons, practice and proper judgement.

We all know first impressions count and nowhere is that more important than on the snowfield. If your child's first memory of skiing is being wet, cold, lonely and miserable, it will leave an indelible impression and could turn them off the sport for life.

But I think that when it comes to learning anything ( including skiing ), for kids there is no bigger turn off than pushy parents. I really find pushy parents a pain. During my 4 years as a ski instructor, I've met a lot of them. Sometimes they forget that while it is important to learn a skill, it's even more important to make it fun and enjoyable experience.

Many parents are anxious to get their kids started really early. Further, they get them on the mountain with an unreasonable agenda when it’s really all about fun. If you do decide to start kids early, the goal at that point should be to introduce them to the joy of snow sports by simple means: being in the mountain environment, wearing ski equipment, becoming comfortable with the sensation of sliding and making it their “playtime.”

Remember that, at this age, every training has to be like a game. No goals in these games, just fun. Do not explain too much. Just play the game.

Kids are no different than adults: they learn much faster if they are having fun !

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