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The Flaming Geyser State Park

Flaming Geyser State Park

The first time I heard about the Flaming Geyser Park was from "The Washington Atlas and Gazetteers". It stated that park's most unique geological feature was its "geysers" (methane seeps). I immediately wanted to find out more about it.

Flaming Geyser derives its name from the seepage of methane gas from an old test core bored into the underlying coal seams. While only burning 6 to 10 inches high now, in its younger days the Flaming geyser burned several feet high with higher gushes of fire and water. It was even featured in "Ripley's Believe It or Not". 

The words "Flaming Geyser" can’t help but evoke images of the spectacular hydrothermal vents at Yellowstone ... 
Sorry, it's not. Nowadays, it's just a gas-burning-sized flicker. A short walk away is the Bubbling geyser - a small, smelly pool-product of methane gas. Yet, both are unique and intriguing features.

Even though the famed days of the geysers are long gone, the park still attracts many visitors year round.

The gorge itself for decades is considered to be one of the top spots in the state for water sports. 

Located at the downstream end of the Green River gorge, the park is a popular take-out point for rafters and kayakers enjoying whitewater adventures in the gorge ( put in is at the Kanaskat-Palmer State Park ). This 14-mile stretch of river is rated class 4 (advanced). 

For most of the year, the Green River is a mostly passive stretch of water. However, spring rain and snowmelt bring the Green to life when engineers open the floodgates to the Howard A. Hanson Dam near Palmer, Washington. 

The scenery here is top notch, too, as the river drops through a steep canyon lined with moss and ferns. 

During summer low-water levels, the park is very popular with people floating on inner tubes, air mattresses, and other floating devices.

For many locals, the Green Rivers offers numerous epic swim holes with cold, but crystal clear waters. 

The Flaming Geyser State Park in Auburn, WA

Other popular park activities include picnicking, hiking, fishing, bird watching, horseback riding. The park is also home to the Radio Control Aircraft Club.

Also, the Green River is one of the top ten steelheading rivers in Washington. 

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