You have probably seen it on a picture : a man on a mountain bike , happy and liberated, staring into beautiful scenery of Moab's Canoyonlands or Sedona's Red Rocks landscape. The picture is so moving that it springs you into action.So, you go out and buy your first mountain bike, hamlet, colourful jersey, butt defining tights ( please don't ) . Now you are all set. Problem is , you are not in Arizona or Utah. Where would you go mountain biking in Washington?
Well, first you need to know that not all mountain biking is downhill. Mountain biking is roughly broken down into four categories: cross country, downhill, freeride, and trials/street riding.Each has differing levels of safety-consciousness with different types of mountain bikes and riding gear. Not willing to travel too far and being a novice, I choose cross country. After little research I was glad to know that I don't have to travel to Whistler to have a great first mountain biking experience. Who would think that there is an awesome place to bike right here in the heart of SeaTac.
North Sea Tac Park is a great neighborhood park with miles of paved and unpaved trails, its own BMX park, Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden and nearby SeaTac Community Center.It is a perfect spot to master mountain biking basics and further improve your skills.
When you feel like you are ready to take a challenge, compete at the Indie Series - the event for riders of all levels and age groups.
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