For some folks, bow fishing isn't just a sport or a weekend hobby. It's not even fish they’re after…
Bowfishing is about the most accessible form of bowhunting out there. There is no sitting around like you would when waiting on a deer to walk by or for a fish to bite. There is no whispering and being cold. Instead, there’s lots of shooting, and on a good day, reeling in lots of big fish. And a bowfishing spot is rarely far away.
Bowfishing is an ancient form of hunting that has been used to gather food since prehistory, and still is a great way to harvest game, enjoy the outdoors, and help control invasive species of fish, such as Asian carp.
The invasive Asian carp has become a big problem in rivers across the country. Not only are they choking the rivers they've taken over, they like to jump out of the water when it's agitated, creating a hazard for boaters and fisherman.
Enter Chris Brackett of Brackett Outdoors, based in Mapleton, Illinois. Brackett has perfected a method of shooting leaping fish with a bow from a boat moving at high speed. Brackett and his team coined the term "extreme aerial bowfishing," and the sport is catching on.
But it's not always all fun and games. The size and number of carp that can take to the air is astounding, and many end up in the boat or collide with shooters onboard. A few laughs and a few bruises seem to be the routine when carp flop in, but sometimes a jumping fish can cause real damage.
Watch one of the most unique outdoor experiences, and give bowfishing a try !
Watch one of the most unique outdoor experiences, and give bowfishing a try !
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