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Travel & Fitness Blogging Tips From Pros : Hybrid Athlete

There are tons of fitness and health blogs and websites out there. Many are run by professional personal trainers and coaches as a tool to provide extra value to their existing clients, bring in new ones, establish yourself as an authority in the field, and may be, to generate extra revenue through the sales of fitness related products and information.

But you don't have to be a personal trainer to start your own online business. If you're passionate about fitness and a healthy lifestyle, starting your own blog  is a great way to share your love for fitness with others while making "some money" on the side.

Recently I came across a blog post "Build A Business" by Joe Vennare that offers great advice on how to start your own fitness business.

As a matter of fact, his very first advice is just that - DON'T start a blog, start a BUSINESS !

Think about it ! If you've been "into fitness" for a while ( and hopefully, not planning to stop :)), why not turn it into a long term project ?!

We've all heard that there wasn't such thing as "overnight success". Yet, there are many people who start a fitness blog hoping for just that - starting making money from the start !

Just like with an adventure travel blog, it takes time, dedication, and hard work to build your audience, and start making money.

That's why if you decide to start a fitness blog, treat it as a business, plan for a long run. Many new entrepreneurs often grossly overestimate how much money they can make in their first year. But on the flip side, they also grossly underestimate how much they can make in 3+ years with their businesses as well.

Other important topics that Joe covers are the importance of finding your niche, building your brand, and creating engaging, valuable content. 

When it comes to monetizing your fitness blog, Joe offers the same ideas that you can apply to a travel blog - AdSense, promoted posts, receiving freebies and discounted gear from bigger brands...

To create residual income, Joe recommends to create a digital product - ebook, audio/video course, training plan...

Personally, I'm not a big fan of ebooks, considering that some of Amazon's fitness best selling authors sell for $4.99-9.99

Besides, if you're not "techie", writing an ebook, or creating your own video series, can be time consuming, and a frustrating experience.

But Joe's final advice is spot on !

Sharing what we loves comes naturally to us. Can't say the same about selling.

From years of experience in sales, I learned that " People hate to be sold... But  they love buying !"

That;s why, when you share your love and passion for fitness and wellness,people fill follow you, and they will buy !

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