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3 Main Reasons Most People Can't Start A Business

3 Main Reasons Most People Can't Start A Business

Why don't most people start businesses? Why do most people prefer having a job ?

Most people know that running a business is the ultimate way to financial freedom...
You get to be your own boss, you make your own schedule, your own hours, you set your own salary. If you are working from home, you can even work in your pajamas or anytime you want !

But the truth is - most people who say they want to start a business aren’t actually doing it.

Why ?

There are many reasons like :

- Fear of failure

Starting a business is a big risk — sometimes it will work, and sometimes it will not. Many are afraid of starting a business because of the looming fear that their business will fail. This fear may result from feelings of inadequacy, or they may have experienced past failures in their lives that they do not want to replicate the feeling with the very real risk of failure in starting a business. They may also feel incompetence, and plagued by self-doubts.

They aren’t willing to invest

It’s no secret that it takes financial investments to start a business. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need venture capital or a business loan, but it does mean that at some point you’re going to need to throw down some cash to keep moving your business forward.

- They don’t take action to start a business

It's great to be inspired and motivated, but eventually you'll have to take actions... And that's where most people start procrastinating.

For most people, procrastination comes from the lack of clear, actionable steps... People get inspired/motivated listening to all those gurus who sell them useless, and outdated courses with a lot of hype, and no real actionable steps.

- They quit too early

As a result of clear actionable steps, and no real guidance from "gurus" ( or "upline" if they're into network marketing ), most people get discouraged by the lack of results, and eventually they quit...


While everybody might have their own reasons, usually, there are 3 main reasons that are common for most people...

Thinking about starting a business ?
Watch this video to see if you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur/small business owner :

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