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Showing posts with label Fitness & Travel Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness & Travel Marketing. Show all posts

Become An Outdoor Fitness Guide

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Although many people claim to love being outside and taking part in outdoor activities, a large percentage of people spend the majority of their times indoors. With many adults and children spending up to 8 to 10 hours a day in work or school, there isn't much time left at the end of the day to enjoy fresh air. However, fresh air is one thing that naturally helps improve physical and mental health and creates a feeling of calm and overall well-being. 

A 2011 study found that outdoor exercise was associated with greater decreases in tension, confusion, anger and depression when compared to indoor activity. Science suggest there are benefits to exercising outdoors that can’t be replicated on a treadmill, a recumbent bicycle or a track.

Melanie Webb, wellness travel expert, thought leader and creator of Sol Fitness Adventures, shares the same beliefs. "The future of fitness is nature. " - she says. 

Travel & Fitness Blogging Tips From Pros : Hybrid Athlete

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There are tons of fitness and health blogs and websites out there. Many are run by professional personal trainers and coaches as a tool to provide extra value to their existing clients, bring in new ones, establish yourself as an authority in the field, and may be, to generate extra revenue through the sales of fitness related products and information.

But you don't have to be a personal trainer to start your own online business. If you're passionate about fitness and a healthy lifestyle, starting your own blog  is a great way to share your love for fitness with others while making "some money" on the side.

Recently I came across a blog post "Build A Business" by Joe Vennare that offers great advice on how to start your own fitness business.

As a matter of fact, his very first advice is just that - DON'T start a blog, start a BUSINESS !

Think about it ! If you've been "into fitness" for a while ( and hopefully, not planning to stop :)), why not turn it into a long term project ?!

How To Become A Travel Blogger Without Traveling

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Back in 2009 when I started "blogging", I had no idea what blogging was. Back then, after being a "concrete jungle monkey" for most of my life, I "discovered "the great outdoors" for the first time.

Suddenly, I wanted to try everything : hiking scenic long-distance trails, descending steep mountain biking tracks, kayaking and scuba diving the cold waters of Puget Sound, surfing mushy waves of the Pacific Ocean, and climbing the second tallest mountain in US ( Mt Rainier ).

Every weekend I spent outdoors traveling around Washington state looking for new adventures, trying out new action sports, and discovering new beautiful places that our diverse state was so famous for.

Travel & Fitness Blogging Tips From Pros : Learn How They Made It Big

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In my post "How To Become A Travel Blogger Without Traveling" I wrote about my personal experience in starting this very blog in 2009. At that time I had no idea what blogging was, and could not even imagine how this "little hobby" would change and shape my life.

Back then there was just a handful of travel bloggers, and even fewer the ones that specialized in adventure travel. Everybody was trying to "crack the code" and "learn the secrets" of how to make money online while traveling the world. But because travel blogging ( and blogging in general ) was relatively new, the learning resources were very limited.

Since then, the dream of getting paid to travel the world has drawn thousands of "wannabe" travel bloggers. There are thousands of travel blogs online, numerous "travel gurus and nomads", and the technology has made "starting a blog" process fast and easy. Since there’s low barrier to entry, anyone can become a travel writer.

The problem is, most people get into "travel blogging" simply because they want to make money. For them, it's not about traveling or blogging, it's about "how to make money online". They don't build their "travel blogging business" around their passion for traveling or writing. They do it because they think it's easy, trendy, and profitable. 

Not a surprise that after making $10-20 in AdSense and Amazon commissions they get disappointed, fail miserably, and call "making money online" a scam. 

They simply don't understand that travel blogging business ( jut like any other online or offline business ) takes time, effort, and, money (!) to build. And I'm not even talking about the amount of dedication one must put in to "make it big" in travel blogging. For many travel bloggers, it takes years to learn how to become a professional travel blogger. 

The real professional travel bloggers didn't become successful  by ripping off others selling them useless ebooks, online courses, webinars or consulting services. They all provided real values by connecting their readers with the destinations they were visiting or activities they tried. The most popular travel blogs combine wonderful storytelling with a service mindset. The sole purpose of ANY business is to SERVE its clients, solve their problems, and provide value. 

To blog like an expert you need to learn from the ones that made it to the top of a big heap. You don't need to COPY them , just to learn and apply to see if it would work for you. 

Besides time, effort, money, and dedication that many successful travel bloggers put into their business, they all have one thing in common - they ALL created their own unique blogging style.

Once again, don't copy others, tell your unique story ! 

My personal mantra is - " Listen To  All. Follow None"

In my new series "Travel & Fitness Tips From Pros" I will be sharing tips from those who made it big, and built their own adventure travel/fitness online businesses.

Subscribe to this blog to follow this series, and learn form the best !