According to a new report from the University of Chicago:
People looking for jobs that bring satisfaction and happiness should concentrate on professions that focus primarily on serving other people...A river guide is perhaps the quintessential outdoor job. You are around people and the outdoors. The best part of the job ? Freedom ! You don't have to wear a suit and tie. You can just be yourself.

But remember- you are not on vacation ( have you noticed the word "Job " in " Dream Job ? " ). Because the river guide is responsible for the well-being and safety of his or her clients, quality river guide training is absolutely crucial.
Rivers Inc. offers the top Guide Training course in Washington: a highly intensive, hands-on series of classes taught by some of the top white water river rafting guides in the state. This course will teach you all that you need to know to begin guiding white water rafting trips and exceeds Washington State requirements for white water guide training.
Though, no previous experience is needed, commitment, dedication, and a willingness to constantly learn and improve throughout your career is a must.
To learn more about the course and register for the upcoming season, visit their web site - Rivers Inc.