It's been a while since I went diving. It's been even longer since I went
diving with sharks at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa Bay, FL.
Diving with sharks is probably a must-do experience on every diver's Bucket List !
It affords a uniquely intimate interaction with one of the sea’s most beautiful, elusive and charismatic forms of wildlife. But it is also an experience fraught with potential danger.
Each year, increasing numbers of recreational divers seek out opportunities to swim in the company of sharks. For some divers, the encounter represents an exciting photo opportunity, for others, a rare chance to meet a totemic creature face-to-face. It is difficult to know what a shark makes of such encounters, but it’s probably safe to say that the animal imagines no deeply spiritual connection between itself and its human admirers. The famous Jacques Cousteau once said, "The only predictable thing about sharks is that they are unpredictable".
While there are ways to see these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat, nowadays many aquariums around the country offer an amazing opportunity to take a dive with some of our planet's most amazing apex predators and gain a new appreciation for their important role in oceans around the world.
"Eye-To-Eye With Sharks" program at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Wa provides a unique opportunity for certified and non-certified divers to come face-to-face with live sharks!