I've been dieing to try scuba diving for the past two years. You know this feeling- procrastination : too expensive, no time, where do I start, is it safe?
Finally, this summer , I had a great opportunity.
Underwater Sports, Washington's premiere scuba diving center, with eight stores conveniently located around beautiful Puget Sound, had its annual Divers Fair- the largest scuba sale in the country! They offered not only the lowest prices on equipment from top manufacturers, but also, the lowest prices for scuba classes ! You can do all "the shopping around" you want, but I can guarantee you, you won't find it anywhere cheaper ( I almost got myself in a bad "deal" offered by somebody on Craigslist).
So, how do you "get into scuba diving" ?
Before you book your next tropical vacation and start exploring the coral reefs of Bahamas, you will need to get your scuba diving certification such as PADI, NAUI or SSI to prove your qualifications when booking a dive trip, hiring scuba equipment or filling diving cylinders.
Underwater Sports has classes starting all the time at each of their eight locations, with time convenient for everybody: day, evenings ,weekends.
You will need to have your own personal snorkeling equipment ( fins, mask,snorkel,booties and gloves) and purchase academic materials ( which you will need to read prior to the beginning of the classes). On the first weekend, you'll cover the academic and pool portions of the course. And the second Saturday and Sunday are dedicated to your Open Water dives in Puget Sound.
Underwater Sports provides all the necessary equipment for your pool sessions and open dives: wet suit, BCD with octopus, weight belt, cylinder and ,of course, the most knowledgeable, helpful, supportive, patient instructors!
I would say that getting started in diving is not quite like going hiking ( it takes a bit more knowledge in areas like safety, equipment, the environment ), at the same time, it's not quite rocket science.With the right amount of support, knowledge and skills, you will feel like Jacques Cousteau ( well, may be not quite like Cousteau ) in no time !
Though, the Pacific Northwest has always been famous for its hikes and snow fun, the divers all over the world know that it is also the best place in the world to cold dive. The Puget Sound offers sea life that you won’t see as easily anywhere else in the world.