As you know me, I can't stress enough the importance of
writing your goals down... or the least, having clear, measurable, and achievable goals. I think goal setting is the first, and THE MOST IMPORTANT step on your way to personal growth and self improvement. They give you a clear target to aim for, and help keep motivation high by providing an objective way to measure progress.
Don't get it wrong ! There are many types of goals ( one research review came up with a list of 135 (!) different kinds of goals that people tend to pursue ). But since the main topics of this blog are adventure travel, fitness, and the outdoors, I will focus mostly on these ones.
So, without further ado, here is my (short ) list of goals for 2014:
Business Goals
1 - The most important goal I've set for myself this year is to make my blog ( and everything else I do online ) "career/full time job/". Since I started this blog almost 4 years ago, it's become a huge part of my life. I'm very passionate about it, and I love what I do !
2 - Since I've already been working ( on/off ) online full time for the past 2 years, I'd love to share my knowledge and experience to help people journey their adventures to share their stoke and excitement with friends and family ( while making extra money on the side to get that new outdoor gear or extra cash for that dream trip ).
3 - I want to create XHyperActive brand, something like Red Bull ( mines poisonous drinks, and low-paid sponsored adrenaline junkies ). Instead, I want to focus on people just like you and me, I'd say "Regular Joe's" - somebody who wants to live a happy, healthy and adventurous life full of great memories and memorable evens ! Somebody who is not afraid to get out of their comfort zone to pursue their goals, and to take necessary steps to accomplish their Bucket List adventures.
4 - I realize that many people who would love to get into fitness and outdoors, simply don't know where to start. That's why I'd like to take XHyperActive brand offline to go back to training people, and personally encourage, motivate and guide ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Adventurous Goals
- Do more kiteboarding ( and may be teach it too )
- Make
soul surfing/SUP surfing a monthly event ( to help me battle my ADD and find more peace )
- Introduce my son to surfing... Go to Westport and California !
- Get my next scuba diving certificate ( and eventually become Dive Master )
- Take paragliding classes ( to learn something new, and see if it's something I can do long term )
- Do my first static skydiving jump (
tandem jump was fun, but solo should be awesome !!! )
- Take a sailing class ( and who knows, may be buy my first boat ! )
- Go bow hunting/spearfishing/fly-fishing ( and learn how to cook my kill/catch )
- Go skiing/snowshoeing/snow camping to Goldmyer Hot Springs this winter
- XC ( cross country/ski touring ) hut-to-hut in Mt Rainier
- (Finely ) go skiing Mt Adams
- Climbing Mt Baker/Olympus/Rainier ( again )
- Now that I dove with sharks in
Florida's Aquarium, I want to do that again in
our state
- Kayak and bike touring/camping has been on my list for the past few years ( just need to find 4-5 days to do that, and may be somebody to go with )
- Canyoneering is gaining more popularity in WA... I had fun
canyoneering in Utah, and hope our state can offer places as breathtaking as the ones in Moab
- Haven't been climbing for a while... There a still a bunch of epic places I haven't climbed... The two I really want to do are : Leavenworth, Mt Erie, and Smith Rock ( in Oregon ).
- Since I sold my motorcycle, I've been feeling really sad :( Hope this spring to get into dirt biking, and buy a bike ( either dirt, street ot dual sport ).
- Windsurfing my SUP/paddleboard was fun, but would love to try something more challenging ! Hood River offers both amazing kiteboarding and windsurfing opportunities. Learning water start and switching to shorter/faster boards will make it more fun !
- My first sailing experience was a complete disaster ! If you're ever offered a cheap "sailing class" by Seattle Mountaineers/Seattle Singles Yacht Club - run ! It's not worth your money and time. So, this year, I hope to find a reputable sailing club to actually learn how to sail.
- I also want to introduce my son to sailing, and take him sailing on one of those historic tall ships.
- Bungee jumping in WA
- Balloon flying, and fat biking in Winthrop !
- Backpacking Olympic Coast/ Wonderland Trail/ Go back to the Enchantments
- Visit San Juan Islands !!! Can't believe I can't make it there 3 years in a row !!!
Adventure Travel ( outside WA )
- Visit Colorado !!! Would love to go skiing and try speed riding in Aspen !
- Neighboring Oregon has been inviting me for a long time to check out its adventures ! Visiting/xc skiing Crater Lake; skiing, ski-biking, airboarding at Hoodoo ski area; dirt biking/sandboarding Oregon's dunes; chilling in one of many famous Oregon's hot springs are just a few things I want to do there.
- Introduce my son to the beauty of travel ! First stop - California ! then...
- Not sure about border crossing laws yet, but would love to take him to Whistler, BC !
- The BIGGEST trip I'm planning this year is visiting Russia, and hope to explore Europe on the way there !
What are your goals for 2014 ? Why are they important to you ? Are they clear, exciting, measurable achievable ?
I wish you achieve every goal that you set up for yourself this year, and hope you'll share it with us !!! And remember :
“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hope.” - Andrew Carnegie